Apartment Sessions is a Brooklyn-based multimedia artist collective created and produced by Luke McGinnis, Evan Tyor, Drew Krasner, and Liz Maney. Over the past three years, Apartment Sessions has released bi-monthly videos, performing original arrangements/orchestrations of covers and original music written by members of the collective. The rotation of ensemble players draws from over 300 musicians in the general New York area.
Camellia started playing with Apartment Sessions in December 2017 and has since contributed to dozens of sessions filmed in Brooklyn, Iceland, and Athens, GA, as well as performed in the live iteration of the project at Rockwood Music Hall.
Apartment Sessions is centered around building a strong, diverse community through music and collaboration. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider becoming a Patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/apartmentsessions.
Create, Love, and #resist.